
The project READ-OVER – Read Aloud Clubs to Overcome Intercultural Divide was focused to address the problem of intercultural integration and social inclusion elaborating the model of interactive read-aloud circles aimed to overcome the social barriers constituted by racial, religious and cultural differences. The Read-aloud Clubs have been organized and managed directly by the participants, in this way the adult learners have been involved in their learning path from the very beginning and feel committed and motivated in the learning events. The Read-aloud Clubs allowed a powerful and empowering informal education that combines reading with other expressive methodologies like drama/role playing, “movieducation” (i.e. education through movies) and creative writing. The literature that has been chosen for reading in group, and that was base for possible dramatization and choice of movies, was specifically intercultural.

Aim of these reading circles was the development/empowerment of:

– basic skills such as literacy (spelling and grammar, reading and comprehension, writing), intercultural awareness, European citizenship (with a view to the European Year 2013);

– soft skills such as communication, courtesy, interpersonal relationship skills, self-awareness and self-esteem, literacy andmanagement of emotions, empathy, positive attitude, cooperation, proactivity, willingness to learn, motivation, problem solving.

First target group has been migrants and ethnic minorities; second target group adults with poor school qualification and other vulnerable adults. Indirect target group has been educators working with the above mentioned adults as trainers, tutors, mentors,coaches, volunteers.

Products: Read-aloud Clubs, National Intercultural Reading Day, Transnational Intercultural Reading Day, partnership website, blog, DVD, manual.